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Photo by Arnold Winkler

Always fascinated by the world of art, in 2004, Cindy attended her 1st art class and began painting in her spare time. She first exhibited in 2005 and has since won an impressive number of awards and honors.  Her desire is to create pieces which are pleasing to the eye and intriguing to the mind. Cindy primarily works with watercolor, but enjoys trying other mediums and hopes to continue to grow, expand her creative efforts and inspire others through her work.

Contact Cindy:

Giclee Prints are available for some images.


Greater Norristown Art League

Jo Ann Cooksey Bono



The Adirondack chairs (below) were a project to benefit Morris Arboretum.  Cindy and her son, Nick partnered to design and paint the 2 chairs below.


Daydreams by Cindy Healy Nightmares by Nick Reidenouer

All content copyrighted by Cindy Healy ©2009.  Web design by jcookseybono/icarus-art.